Intermediate representation TREE

In Tiger, the Tree language is used as both HIR (High-Level Intermediate Representation) and LIR (Low-Level Intermediate Representation).

In the industry there are different intermediate languages, here are some of them:
Tree language

Here’s a description of the Tree language used as an intermediate representation in compilers, This language was designed by Andrew Appel.

The Tree language is a intermediate representation used in compilers to represent source code before it is transformed into machine code. It is a low-level language that is easier to manipulate and optimize than the original source code.

HIR is defined by the following grammar:
(* Expressions creations. *)
Exp = "const" int
 |  "name" Label
 |  "temp" Temp
 |  "binop" Oper Exp Exp
 |  "mem" Exp
 |  "call" Exp [{Exp}] "call end"
 |  "eseq" Stm Exp

(* Statements creations. *)
Stm = "move" Exp Exp
 |  "sxp" Exp
 |  "jump" Exp Label
 |  "cjump" Relop Exp Exp Label Label
 |  "seq" [{Stm}] "seq end"
 |  "label" Label
 |  "label" Label Literal

(* Operators creations. *)
Oper  = "add" | "sub" | "mul" | "div" | "mod";
Relop = "eq" | "ne" | "lt" | "gt" | "le" | "ge";
Label = Ident;
Temp = fp | rv | sp | Ident;
fp = "fp" | "$fp";
sp    = "sp" | "$sp";
rv = "rv" | "$v0";
Ident = "[$a-zA-Z_][$a-zA-Z_0-9]*";

(* In addition, the following alternative syntax for operators is supported *)
Oper = "(+)"  | "(-)" | "(*)" | "(/)" | "(%)";
Relop = "(=)" | "(<>)" | "(<)" | "(>)" | "(<=)" | "(>=)";
List of trees Instructions

Here is the list of all instructions in the Tree language, and you can find more details in the book (Modern Compiler Implementation).

  • The integer constant i.

  • The symbolic constant n (corresponding to an assembly registry)

BINOP (o, e1,e2):
  • The application of binary operator o to operands e1 and e2.

  • There are three types of operators and the integer arithmetic operators (PLUS, MINUS, MUL, DIV) the integer bitwise logical operators (AND, OR, XOR) and the integer shift operators (LSHIFT, RSHIFT).

  • The contents of wordSize bytes of memory starting at address e.

CALL(f, list):
  • A procedure call: the application of function f to argument list list.

ESEQ(s, e):
  • The statement s is evaluated for side effects, then e is evaluated for a result.

MOVE(TEMP t, e):
  • Evaluate e and move it into temporary t.

MOVE(MEM(e1), e2):
  • Evaluate e1 yielding address a. Then evaluate e2, and store the result at the memory starting at a.

  • Evaluate e and return the result.

JUMP(e, labels):
  • Transfer control (Jump) to address e. The list of labels labels specifies all possible locations where the expression e can be evaluated, which is necessary for performing dataflow analysis later on.

CJUMP(o, e1, e2, l1, l2):
  • Evaluate expression e1 and e2, yielding values a, b.

  • Then compare a, b using the operator o. If the result is true , jump to l1; otherwise jump to l2.

SEQ(s1, s2, ..., sN):
  • The statement s1 followed by s2 and another and another.

  • Define the constant value of name n. This is like a label definition in assembly language.

Special Temporaries

Some of the temporaries have a special meaning.

fp, $fp
  • The frame pointer.

sp, $sp
  • The stack pointer. One cannot read beyond sp.

rv, $v0
  • The result register. Functions should store their result there.