
Nolimips is a MIPS simulator designed to execute simple register based MIPS assembly code. It is a minimalist MIPS virtual machine that, in contrast to other simulators (SPIM), supports unlimited registers. The lack of a simulators featuring this behaviour prompted the development of Nolimips.

Its features are:
  • sufficient support of MIPS instruction set

  • infinitely many registers

It was written by Benoît Perrot as an LRDE member, so that EPITA students could exercise their compiler projects after instruction selection but before register allocation. It is implemented in C++ and Python.



Here is a brief summary of the documentation for Nolimips.

Table of Contents

Invoking Nolimips

To invoke nolimips run: nolimips OPTIONS FILE.
  • -h --help: Display a help message and exit successfully.

  • -V --version: Display the version number and exit successfully.

  • --usage: Give a short usage message

  • --tasks-selection:

    Each task of Nolimips (parsing, execution, etc.) comes with a set of prerequisites: for example the pretty printing of an input program implies the parsing of its source file. This option asks Nolimips to display the tasks that must be run before to run the ones explicitly specified on command line.

  • --parse: Parse a file.

  • --trace-scan: Trace the scanning.

  • --trace-parse: Trace the parse.

  • -N --nop-after-branch:

    To avoid a bubble in their pipeline, MIPS processors execute the instruction immediately following a branch; this instruction is said to be in the delay slot (FIXME: see further). This option fills the delay slot of branch instructions with a NOP, disabling the delay slot, simplifying the task of assembly programmers how do not care about writing optimized code.

  • -u --unlimited-regs:

    During last stages of a compiler, the intermediate representation of a source file (which mainly consists in a generic, architecture independent assembly code) is progressively translated into an architecture dependent assembly code. Low level (but still intermediate) representations are designed to be as near as possible of target assembly code, but generally consider an extended target machine with an unlimited amount of registers. This option gives Nolimips the ability to handle an arbitrary number of registers, allowing compiler developers to test their low level output before implementing register allocation. These new registers may be used as any other MIPS registers through the symbols $x0, $x1, and so on. They have a general purpose and are not considered as caller save nor callee save registers.

  • --prg-display: Display the read program.

  • --prg-solve: Resolve jump offsets and check bounds of immediates.

  • --callee-save=num --caller-save=num --argument-registers=num: Respectively set the maximum number of callee-save, caller-save and argument registers to num, a positive number.

  • --check-callee-save: Warn if a callee save register is not preserved across a call.

  • --profile: Enable program profiling

  • -l library --system-library=library:

    Specify the builtin system library to use. Accepted library values are spim (selected by default and implementing SPIM’s behavior), nolimips (Nolimips’ own library), and none (no builtin library).

  • -e --execute: Execute the program on virtual machine.

  • -E --trace-exec: Trace the execution.

  • -i --shell: Launch interactive shell.

Steps of Nolimips

Nolimips works in three steps:
  • it scans and parses the file (lexical and syntactical analysis), producing an abstract representation of a program;

  • it resolves the program, checking the existence of labels used and computing branch offsets (assembly);

  • it loads the resolved program in the virtual machine, search for an entry point labeled main and start execution.

Nolimips Language

Nolimips supports a minimal MIPS instruction set and unlimited registers.

Basic main in Nolimips:

# Routine main
        # Your Code
        # Trigger exit syscall (mandatory to use nolimips)
        li      $v0, 0x06
        syscall                 ; exit

For more example of Mips program you can see tests in Nolimips.

The Nolimips supported instruction set

Here is a list of categories for which you would like a description of each instruction:

Arithmetic instructions


Add src1 and src2 and store the result in dest (32-bit integers). If an overflow occurs, then trap.

add dest, src1, src2

Add src1 and src2 and store the result in dest (32-bit integers).

addu dest, src1, src2

Add a constant imm and src and store the result in dest (32-bit integers). If overflow occurs, then trap.

addi dest, src1, immediate

Add a constant imm and src and store the result in dest (32-bit integer).

addiu dest, src1, imm

Subtract src2 from src1 and store the result in dest (32-bit integers). If an overflow occurs (FIXME), then trap.

sub dest, src1, src2

Subtract src2 from src1 and store the result in dest (32-bit integers).

subu dest, src1, src2

Negate (logical 2-complement) src and store the result in dest. If an overflow occurs (FIXME), then trap.

neg dest, src

Negate src (logical 2-complement) and store the result in dest.

negu dest, src

Compute the absolute value of src (32-bit integer) and write it to dest.

abs dest, src

Multiply two words src1 and src2 and write the result to dest.

mul dest, src1, src2

Divide src1 by src2 (32-bit signed integers), write the quotient in LO and the remainder in HI (32-bit integer). Store the result LO (the quotient) to dest.

div dest, src1, src2

Divide src1 by src2 (32-bit unsigned integers), write the quotient in LO and the remainder in HI (32-bit integer). Store the result LO (the quotient) to dest.

divu dest, src1, src2

Compute the remainder from dividing src1 by src2 (32-bit signed integers), write the quotient in LO and the remainder in HI (32-bit integer). Store the result HI (the remainder) to dest.

rem dest, src1, src2

Compute the remainder from dividing src1 by src2 (32-bit unsigned integers), write the quotient in LO and the remainder in HI (32-bit integer). Store the result HI (the remainder) to dest.

remu dest, src1, src2

Bitwise instructions


Left-shift (logical) the word src by the fixed number imm of bits and store the result in dest.

sll dest, src1, imm

Left-shift (logical) the word src1 by the variable number src2 of bits and store the result in dest.

sllv dest, src1, src2

Right-shift (arithmetic) the word src by the fixed number imm of bits and store the result in dest.

sra dest, src1, imm

Right-shift (arithmetic) the word src1 by the variable number src2 of bits and store the result in dest.

srav dest, src1, src2

Right-shift (logical) the word src1 by the fixed number imm of bits and store the result in dest.

srl dest, src1, imm

Right-shift (logical) the word src1 by the variable number src2 of bits and store the result in dest.

srl dest, src1, src2

Left-rotate the word src by a number of bits (imm or src2) and store the result in dest.

rol dest, src1, imm|src2

Right-rotate the word src by a number (imm or src2) of bits and store the result in dest.

ror dest, src1, imm|src2

Compute the bitwise logical AND between src1 and src2 and store the result to dest.

and dest, src1, src2

Compute the bitwise logical AND between src and a constant imm and store the result to dest.

andi dest, src1, imm

Compute the bitwise logical OR between src1 and src2 and store the result to dest.

or dest, src1, src2

Compute the bitwise logical OR between src and a constant imm and store the result to dest.

ori dest, src1, imm

Compute the bitwise logical XOR between src1 and src2 and store the result to dest.

xor dest, src1, src2

Compute the bitwise logical XOR between src and a constant imm and store the result to dest.

xori dest, src1, imm

Compute the bitwise logical NOR between src1 and src2 and store the result to dest.

nor dest, src1, src2

Negate (logical 1-complement) src and store the result in dest.

not dest, src

Comparison instructions


Set dest to 1 if src1 equals src2, else clear it.

seq dest, src1, src2

Set dest to 1 if src1 does not equal src2, else clear it.

sne dest, src1, src2

Set dest to 1 if src1 is greater or equal to src2 (signed comparison), else clear it.

sge dest, src1, src2

Set dest to 1 if src1 is greater or equal to src2 (unsigned comparison), else clear it.

sgeu dest, src1, src2

Set dest to 1 if src1 is greater than src2 (signed comparison), else clear it.

sgt dest, src1, src2

Set dest to 1 if src1 is greater than src2 (unsigned comparison), else clear it.

sgtu dest, src1, src2

Set dest to 1 if src1 is lower or equal to src2 (signed comparison), else clear it.

sle dest, src1, src2

Set dest to 1 if src1 is lower or equal to src2 (unsigned comparison), else clear it.

sleu dest, src1, src2

Set dest to 1 if src1 is lower than src2 (signed comparison), else clear it.

slt dest, src1, src2

Set dest to 1 if src1 is lower than src2 (unsigned comparison), else clear it.

sltu dest, src1, src2

Set dest to 1 if src1 is lower than a constant imm (signed comparison), else clear it.

slti dest, src1, imm

Set dest to 1 if src1 is lower than a constant imm (unsigned comparison), else clear it.

sltiu dest, src1, imm

Branch instructions


Branch to label if src1 equals src2.

beq src1, src2, label

Branch to label if src equals zero.

beqz src, label

Branch to label if src1 does not equal src2.

bne src1, src2, label

Branch to label if src does not equal zero.

bnez src, label

Branch to label if src1 is greater or equal to src2 (signed comparison).

bge src1, src2, label

Branch to label if src1 is greater or equal to src2 (unsigned comparison).

bgeu src1, src2, label

Branch to label if src is greater or equal to zero (signed comparison).

bgez src, label

Call label if src is greater or equal to zero (signed comparison)

bgezal src, label

Branch to label if src1 is greater than src2 (signed comparison).

bgt src1, src2, label

Branch to label if src1 is greater than src2 (unsigned comparison).

bgtu src1, src2, label

Branch to label if src is greater than zero (signed comparison).

bgtz src, label

Branch to label if src1 is lower or equal to src2 (signed comparison).

ble src1, src2, label

Branch to label if src1 is lower or equal to src2 (unsigned comparison).

bleu src1, src2, label

Branch to label if src is lower or equal to zero (signed comparison).

blez src, label

Branch to label if src1 is lower than src2 (signed comparison).

blt src1, src2, label

Branch to label if src1 is lower than src2 (unsigned comparison).

bltu src1, src2, label

Branch to label if src1 is lower than zero (signed comparison).

bltz src, label

Call label if src1 is lower than zero (signed comparison).

bltzal src, label
Jump to label unconditionally.
j label

Call label unconditionally.

jal label

Jump to address contained in dest unconditionally.

jr dest

Call address contained in dest unconditionally.

jalr dest

Load instructions


Load the 8-bit quantity at address (offset + base) into dest as a signed value.

lb dest, address

Load the 8-bit quantity at address (offset + base) into dest as an unsigned value.

lbu dest, address

Load the 32-bit quantity at address (offset + base) into dest as a signed value.

lw dest, address

Move the constant imm into the upper half word of dest.

lui dest, imm

Move the constant imm into dest.

li dest, imm

Move the computed address into dest.

la dest, address

Store instructions


Store the low byte from src at address (offset + base).

sb src, address

Store the low word from src at address (offset + base).

sw src, address

Movement instructions


Move the contents of src to dest.

move dest, src

Move the contents of HI to dest.

mfhi dest

Move the contents of LO to dest.

mflo dest

Move the contents of dest to HI.

mthi dest

Move the contents of dest to LO.

mtlo dest

Move the contents of control coprocessor src register to CPU dest register.

mfc0 dest, src

Move the contents of CPU src register to control coprocessor dest register.

mtc0 dest, src

Syscall instructions

Raise a system call exception.
  • 0x02: read(fd: $a0, buf: $a1, count: $a2): $v0

  • 0x03: write(fd: $a0, buf: $a1, count: $a2): $v0

  • 0x06: exit(status: $a0)

  • 0x33: malloc(size: $a0)

List of syscall for Nolimips

syscall ; syscall_name

Nop instructions


To do nothing.
