TC-3 Code to Write

See The src/ast Directory, The src/bind Directory and Scoped Map.


Complete the class template misc::scoped_map in lib/misc/scoped-map.hh and lib/misc/scoped-map.hxx. See scoped_map for more details.

What’s a Task:

A task is the name of tc’s options. Macros used in tasks.hh define options than can be used with tc. is the file containing all functions needed in macros. More information about how they are used and their implementation can be found here: The src/task Directory. They would call the function of the libbind.

What should be added?

Tasks macros for bindings-compute, bindings-display and bound should be added in tasks.hh. Look at how the tasks are implemented for escaping.


Create the function that will call the binder. Write the tasks, libbind.* etc.


Some constructs “using” an identifier, such as CallExp, have been augmented with def_. Implement def_get, and def_set to be able to set a reference to their definition, here a FunctionDec.


Implement --bindings-display support in the PrettyPrinter. You must strictly follow the format specified at TC-3 Samples when displaying binding addresses.

In the ast you have to add definition sites for the binding, and you have to display them in the PrettyPrinter.


In the Binder, you have to implement the Binder visitor. The binding pass applies to variables, functions and types. Most of the assignment is here…

src/object/binder.* (Optional)

…and here. object::Binder inherits from bind::Binder so as to factor common parts.


Implement renaming to unique identifiers. TC-R is a core assignment. Once TC-3 is completed, implementing TC-R is straightforward, see TC-R, Unique Identifiers. Note that --rename is helpful to write a test suite for TC-3.