TC-EXTS Open Project

Apart from usual extensions, you are able to apply for open project extensions.


This aspect is completely optional!

What is the objective?

Implement your own extensions during, at least, the 2 last weeks of frontend.

What can be implemented?
Almost anything you feel confident with and find interesting to deal with. Non-exhaustive examples:
  • Language features

  • Language extensions (e.g. operators)

  • Improvements of existing aspects (e.g. static link)

  • Optimizations

  • Book sections

Why this new aspect?

We want to motivate students and make TC more attractive.

What are the rules?
  • Mini coaching sessions could be dispensed.

  • The evaluation will not be automatic, with potential reports and a defense.


You MUST apply for an open project. Subjects MUST be validated by the managers & maintainers.

For convenience sake, the number of groups involved in this tour is limited to about 10.