TC-EXTS Open Project
Apart from usual extensions, you are able to apply for open project extensions.
This aspect is completely optional!
- What is the objective?
Implement your own extensions during, at least, the 2 last weeks of frontend.
- What can be implemented?
- Almost anything you feel confident with and find interesting to deal with. Non-exhaustive examples:
Language features
Language extensions (e.g. operators)
Improvements of existing aspects (e.g. static link)
Book sections
- Why this new aspect?
We want to motivate students and make TC more attractive.
- What are the rules?
Mini coaching sessions could be dispensed.
The evaluation will not be automatic, with potential reports and a defense.
You MUST apply for an open project. Subjects MUST be validated by the managers & maintainers.
For convenience sake, the number of groups involved in this tour is limited to about 10.