Invoking TC


tc options… file

where file can be -, denoting the standard input.

Information about options supported by TC can be accessed through tc --help.

Global options

-?, --help

Display the help message, and exit successfully.


Display a short usage message, and exit successfully.


Display the version, and exit successfully.


Display the license, and exit successfully.

Options relating to the tasks


List the registered tasks.


Show the task graph.


Report the order in which the tasks will be run.


Report the execution times.

Options relating to the file library (TC-1/2)

-p, --library-prepend

Prepend a directory to include path.

-P, --library-append

Append a directory to include path.


Report the include search path.

Options relating to scanning and parsing (TC-1/2)


Enable RE/flex scanners traces.


Enable Bison parsers traces.


Parse the file given as argument (objects forbidden).

-o, --object

Enable object constructs of the language (class and method declarations, object creation, method calls, etc.).


Same as --object --parse, i.e. parse the file given as argument, allowing objects.


Load the definitions of the file prelude before the actual argument. The result is equivalent to parsing:

  import "prelude"
  /* The argument file. */

To disable any prelude file, use --no-prelude. The default value is builtin, denoting the builtin prelude.

-X, --no-prelude

Don’t include prelude.

Options relating to the AST (TC-1/2)

-A, --ast-display

Display the AST.


Explicit parenthesis wrapping in AST display.


Dump the AST.


Clone the AST.

Options relating to bindings computation (TC-3)


Make sure bindings (regular or taking overloading or objects constructs into account) are computed.

-b, --bindings-compute

Bind the name uses to their definitions (objects forbidden).

-B, --bindings-display

Enable the bindings display in the next --ast-display invocation. This option does not imply --bindings-compute.


Bind the name uses to their definitions, allowing objects.

Options relating to identifiers renaming (TC-R)


Rename identifiers (objects forbidden).


Rename identifiers, allowing objects.

Options relating to escapes computation (TC-E)

-e, --escapes-compute

Compute the escapes.

-E, --escapes-display

Enable the escape display. This option does not imply --escapes-compute, so that it is possible to check that the defaults (everybody escapes) are properly implemented. Pass -A afterward to see its result.

Options relating to type checking (TC-4)

-T, --typed

Make sure types (regular or taking overloading or objects constructs into account) are computed.


Compute and check (regular) types (objects forbidden).


Compute and check types, allowing objects.

Options relating to desugaring (TC-D)


Enable the translation of for loops into while loops.


Enable the desugaring of string comparisons.


Make sure syntactic sugar (regular or taking overloading into account) has been removed from the AST.


Remove syntactic sugar from the AST. Desired translations must be enabled beforehand (e.g. with --desugar-for or --desugar-string-cmp).


Remove syntactic sugar without recomputing bindings nor types.

Options relating to the inlining optimization (TC-I)


Inline bodies of (non-overloaded) functions at call sites.


Remove unused (non-overloaded) functions.

Options relating to the bounds checking instrumentation (TC-B)


Add dynamic bounds checks.


Add bounds checking to the AST without recomputing bindings nor types.

Options relating to the callgraph (TC-A)


Build the callgraph.


Dump the callgraph.


Build the parent graph.


Dump the parent graph.

Options relating to overloading support (TC-A)


Binding variables, types, and breaks as usual, by bind function calls to the set of function definitions baring the same name.

-O, --overfun-types-compute

Type-check and resolve (bind) overloaded function calls. Implies --overfun-bindings-compute.

Options relating to the desugaring of object constructs (TC-O)


Translate object constructs from the program into their non-object counterparts, i.e., transform a Tiger program into a Panther one.


Translate object constructs from the program into their non-object counterparts, i.e., transform a Tiger program into a Panther one, without recomputing bindings nor types.

Options relating to the combination of extensions (TC-C)


Enable the object extension to combine it with others.


Enable the bounds-checking extension to combine it with others.


Enable the escapes extension to combine it with others.


Enable the desugar extension to combine it with others.


Enable the inlining extension to combine it with others.


Enable the pruning extension to combine it with others.


Enable the function overloading extension to combine it with others.

-a, --c-all

Enable all extensions.


Process bindings with all enabled extensions.


Process type-checking with all enabled extensions.


Process renaming with all enabled extensions.

-c, --combine-desugar

Process all enabled extensions and desugar them to core Tiger.

Options relating to the high level intermediate representation (TC-5)


Translate to HIR (objects forbidden). Implies --typed.

-H, --hir-display

Display the high level intermediate representation. Implies --hir-compute.

Options relating to the LLVM IR translation (TC-L)


Translate to LLVM IR.


Enable runtime displaying along with the LLVM IR.


Display the LLVM IR.

Options relating to the low level intermediate representation (TC-6)


Trace the canonicalization of HIR to LIR.


Canonicalize the LIR fragments.

-C, --canon-display

Display the canonicalized intermediate representation before basic blocks and traces computation. Implies --lir-compute. It is convenient to determine whether a failure is due to canonicalization, or traces.


Trace the basic blocks and traces canonicalization of HIR to LIR.


Compute the basic blocks from canonicalized HIR fragments. Implies --canon-compute.


Translate to LIR. Implies --traces-compute. Actually, it is nothing but a nice looking alias for the latter.

-L, --lir-display

Display the low level intermediate representation. Implies --lir-compute.

Options relating to the instruction selection (TC-7)

-i, --inst-compute

Convert from LIR to pseudo assembly with temporaries. Implies --lir-compute.

-I, --inst-display

Display the pseudo assembly, (without the runtime prologue). Implies --inst-compute.

-Y, --nolimips-display

Display the Nolimips assembly.

-R, --runtime-display

Display the assembly runtime prologue for the current target.


Enable the verbose display of the instructions.


Enable the display of the rule reducing.

Options relating to the target (TC-7)


Default the target to MIPS. This option is triggered by all the options that need a target.


Set the target to MIPS.


Set the target to IA-32.


Set the target to ARM.


Report information about the current target.

--callee-save=num, --caller-save=num

Set the maximum number of callee/caller save registers to num, a positive number. Note that (currently) this does not reset the current target, hence to actually change the behavior, one needs --callee-save=0 --target-mips.


Set the maximum number of argument registers to num, a positive number.

Options relating to the liveness analysis (TC-8)

-F, --flowgraphs-dump

Save each function flow graph in a Graphviz file. Implies --inst-compute.

-V, --liveness-dump

Save each function flow graph enriched with liveness information in a Graphviz file. Implies --inst-compute.

-N, --interference-dump

Save each function interference graph in a Graphviz file. Implies --inst-compute.

Options relating to register allocation (TC-9)


Disable coalescence.


Trace register allocation.

-s, --asm-compute

Allocate the registers.

-S, --asm-display

Display the final assembler, runtime included.


Display the table of temporaries.