clause denotes the same expression where it was (recursively) replaced by the set of declarations its corresponding import-file contains. An import-file has the following syntax (see Syntactic Specifications for the definition of the symbols):import-file = decs
Because the syntax is different, it is convenient to use another extension. We use
for files to import, for instance:/* fortytwo-fn.tih. */ function fortytwo() : int = 42 /* fortytwo-var.tih. */ import "fortytwo-fn.tih" var fortytwo := fortytwo() /* fortytwo-main.tig. */ let import "fortytwo-var.tih" in print_int(fortytwo); print("\n") end
is rigorously equivalent to:
let function fortytwo() : int = 42 var fortytwo := fortytwo() in print_int(fortytwo); print("\n") end
There can never be a duplicate-name conflict between declarations from different files. For instance:
/* 1.tih */ function one() : int = 1 let import "1.tih" import "1.tih" in one() = one() end
is valid although
let function one() : int = 1 function one() : int = 1 in one() = one() end
is not: the function
is defined twice in a row of function declarations.Importing a nonexistent file is an error. A imported file may not include itself, directly or indirectly. Both these errors must be diagnosed, with status set to
(see Errors).When processing an import directive, the compiler starts looking for files in the current directory, then in all the directories of the include path, in order.
- Name spaces
There are three name spaces: types, variables and functions. The original language definition features two: variables and functions share the same name space. The motivation, as noted by Sébastien Carlier, is that in FunTiger, in the second part of the book, functions can be assigned to variables:
let type a = {a : int} var a := 0 function a(a : a) : a = a{a = a.a} in a(a{a = a}) end
Three name spaces support is easier to implement.