The src/combine Directory

Namespace combine, delivered for TC-EXTS. Combine different extensions together.

File: (src/combine/)

This is a Makefile configuration relative to the src/combine/ directory. It is responsible for the integration into the libtc library with everything exported from the combine module.

File: libcombine.* (src/combine/)

The interface of the combine module. It exports the combine_bind and combine_types_check procedures. Those combine object-related and overload-related constructs.

File: tasks.* (src/combine/)

Tasks related to the combine module (see: The src/task Directory).

File: binder.* (src/combine/)

The overload::Binder visitor. Binds uses to definitions (works on syntax with objects & overloads). Inherits from both object::Binder and :code:overload::Binder.

File: type-checker.* (src/combine/)

The overload::TypeChecker visitor. Computes the types of an AST and adds type labels to the corresponding nodes (works on syntax with objects & overloads). Inherits from both object::TypeChecker and overload::TypeChecker.