The src/tree Directory

Namespace tree, delivered for TC-5. The implementation of the intermediate representation. The file tree/README.txt should give enough explanations to understand how it works.

Reading the corresponding explanations in Appel’s book is mandatory.

It is worth noting that contrary to A. Appel, just as we did for ast, we use n-ary structures. For instance, where Appel uses a binary seq, we have an n-ary seq which allows us to put as many statements as we want.

To avoid gratuitous name clashes, what Appel denotes exp is denoted sxp (Statement Expression), implemented in translate::Sxp.

Please, pay extra attention to the fact that there are temp::Temp used to create unique temporaries (similar to misc::symbol), and tree::Temp which is the intermediate representation instruction denoting a temporary (hence a tree::Temp needs a tree::Temp). Similarly, on one hand, there is temp::Label which is used to create unique labels, and on the other there is tree::Label which is the IR statement to define a label, and tree::Name used to refer to a label (typically, a tree::Jump needs a tree::Name which in turn needs a temp::Label).

File: (src/tree/)

This is a Makefile configuration relative to the src/tree/ directory. It is responsible for the integration into the libtc library with everything exported from the tree module.

File: libtree.* (src/tree/)

The interface of the tree module. It exports a single procedure, dump.

File: fwd.hh (src/tree/)

Forward declarations for the tree module.

Files: *.* (src/tree/)

Each tree node has its set of classes to represent it along its information.

File: fragment.* (src/tree/)

It implements tree::Fragment, an abstract class, tree::DataFrag to store the literal strings, and tree::ProcFrag to store the routines.

File: fragments.* (src/tree/)

Lists of tree::Fragment.

File: tree-variants.* (src/tree/)

misc::variant overlay on Tree classes in order to perform pattern-matching with std::visit, which is the basis of our implementation of IR canonicalization and instruction scheduling.

File: visitor.* (src/tree/)

Implementation of tree::Visitor and tree::ConstVisitor to implement function objects on tree::Fragments. In other words, these visitors implement polymorphic operations on tree::Fragment.