The src/liveness Directory

Namespace liveness, delivered for TC-8. Implements and builds various graphs for the liveness analysis.

File: libliveness.* (src/liveness/)

The interface of the liveness module. It exports three procedures, flowgraph_dump, liveness_dump and interference_dump, each of which respectively dumps the Flow graph, the Liveness graph and the Interference graph.

File: flowgraph.* (src/liveness/)

The FlowGraph implementation. It represents and computes a Flow graph.

File: liveness.* (src/liveness/)

The Liveness implementation. It is a FlowGraph with labeled Temp representing live-in and live-out for each vertex. The live-in and live-out information is computed from the FlowGraph in Liveness’s constructor.

File: interference-graph.* (src/liveness/)

The InterferenceGraph implementation. It computes the interference graph from the live-in/live-out information.