The src/inlining Directory

Namespace inlining, delivered for TC-EXTS. Inline and prune functions.

File: (src/inlining/)

This is a Makefile configuration relative to the src/inlining/ directory. It is responsible for the integration into the libtc library with everything exported from the inlining module.

File: libinlining.* (src/inlining/)

The interface of the inlining module. It exports two procedures, inline_expand and prune.

File: tasks.* (src/inlining/)

Tasks related to the inlining module (see: The src/task Directory).

File: inliner.* (src/inlining/)

The inlining::Inliner visitor. Performs inline expansion of functions. Inherits from astclone::Cloner, so the result is a modified copy of the input AST.

File: pruner.* (src/inlining/)

The inlining::Pruner visitor. Prunes useless function declarations within an AST. Inherits from astclone::Cloner, so the result is a modified copy of the input AST.