The src/temp Directory

Namespace temp, delivered for TC-5.

File: libtemp.* (src/temp/)

The interface of the temp module. It exports a single procedure, dump.

File: identifier.* (src/temp)

Provides the class template Identifier built upon misc::variant and used to implement temp::Temp and temp::Label. Also contains the generic IdentifierCompareVisitor, used to compare two identifiers.

Identifier handles maps of Identifiers. For instance, the Temp t5 might be allocated in the register $t2, in which case, when outputting t5, we should print $t2. Maps stored in the xalloc’d slot Identifier::map of streams implements such a correspondence. In addition, the operator<< of the Identifier class template itself “knows” when such a mapping is active, and uses it.

File: label.* (src/temp)

We need labels for jump, functions, strings etc. Implemented as an instantiation of the temp::Identifier scheme.

File: temp.* (src/temp)

So called temporaries are pseudo-registers: we may allocate as many temporaries as we want. Eventually the register allocator will map those temporaries to either an actual register, or it will allocate a slot in the activation block (aka frame) of the current function. Implemented as an instantiation of the temp::Identifier scheme.

File: temp-set.* (src/temp)

A set of temporaries, along with its operator<<.